Our Services

Our Outpatient Services

Transportation Provided

Emergency Food, Clothing and Hygiene Items

Behavioral Health Counseling

Pediatric Counseling

Peer Support Services

Support Groups Daily

Substance Use Counseling

Anger Management Services

Parenting Classes

Living Skills Classes

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Community Outreach Services

Targeted Case Management Services

GED, KESC, Ready to Work

Computer Lab, Job Search, Resume Building

On-site Referral Services Offered by Recovery and Beyond

MAT Treatment Program

Transportation Provided

Survival Kits for homeless population including sleeping bag, backpack that includes a blanket, hand warmers, socks, hygiene items, food water and Narcan

Computer Lab, Job Search, Resume Building

Anger Management Services

Parenting Classes

Living Skills Classes

Support Groups Daily

Community Support Associate Services

Community Outreach Services

Quick Response Team

Casey’s Law Services

Recovery Classes at Kentucky River Regional Jail M – F (9:00-2:30)

GED, KESC, Ready to Work

Other Services


Target Case Management Services

Target Case Management Services are services that are furnished to the client to assist them in gaining access to medical, social, educational, or other needed services and support. This program helps clients make informed decisions and allows us to advocate for the client while providing the client with the education and support needed.


Peer Support Services

Peer support workers are people who have been successful in the recovery process and who help others experiencing similar situations. Through shared understanding, respect, and mutual empowerment, peer support workers help people become and stay engaged in the recovery process and reduce the likelihood of relapse. Peer support services can effectively extend the reach of treatment beyond the clinical setting into the everyday environment of those seeking a successful, sustained recovery process. Peer Support advocates for those in recovery, share resources and build skills. They lead recovery groups, mentoring and helping clients set goals.


Telehealth Services

We provide telehealth services through the latest technology, you can obtain a visit with their counselor through a telehealth visit.


Residential Treatment

Provide live-in 24 HR, recovery program for those struggling with SUD (substance use disorder). Typically, clients stay in the residence for 30 or more days.


Behavioral Health Counseling

Counseling is a therapeutic modality that helps individuals manage the behaviors associated with mental illness and/or general problems with their well-being.


Substance Use Counseling

A substance use counselor is a support system for people with SUD problems and other behavioral issues. They teach individuals how to modify their behavior with the intention of full recovery.


Pediatric Counseling

Pediatric Counseling is also known as adolescent counseling, youth counseling, or simply child therapy. Pediatric counseling focuses on treating children and teens dealing with mental health disorders. Child therapists are trained to teach effective coping techniques so children and teens can better understand and manage their symptoms.


Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

IOP is an effective method of treating substance use disorders. This treatment program is used to address those with SUD who do not require detoxification or round- the-clock supervision. We have our clients attend IOP usually 3 days a week for just a few hours each day. Most IOPs last for about 90 days, and a drug test is carried out during the program.


Community Outreach Services

Community outreach involves services to the community by helping their organization to promote public education, volunteer recruitment and coordination, media campaigns, and fundraising goals.


Parenting Services

These services promote the use of positive parenting practices, such as using positive language, planned discipline, and family routines. It also encourages nurturing behavior and increases parents' knowledge of child development and communication styles.


Anger Management Services

Anger Management therapy can help clients communicate more effectively, prevent social and psychological problems related to anger (relationship and work issues), avoid negative coping strategies that are sometimes used to escape anger problems, such as substance abuse, and maintain good physical and mental health.


Withdrawal Management and PICC Line Facility

Our withdrawal management/detox facility offers a calm and safe environment to help manage the physical symptoms of withdrawal. We also provide care to PICC line patients that seek substance use disorder treatment. Our care in this facility is also specific to the needs of each individual client.

  • 16 Bed Facility
  • Available for Men and Women
  • 24 hour nursing staff


This unique program provides integrated treatment to help clients manage the day-to-day challenges of life. Lacking certain skills can profoundly affect a person's course of employment, finances, relationships, and general outlook. Hazelden Publishing's Living Skills curriculum examines 12 basic skills that many people take for granted.

Each Living Skill topic is 4 sessions. Each session will be 2 hours for a total of 48 hours to complete. Nurturing Parenting will also be offered over the course of the program.

Beacons of Hope Living Skills program examines twelve basic skills that many people take for granted.

Lacking certain life skills can profoundly affect a person's course of employment, finances, relationships, and general outlook.  This treatment is ideal for people experiencing issues with mental health, criminal justice, DCBS, and a variety of other settings. This program provides the tools necessary to help clients live healthy, fulfilling lives.

Personal Growth

covers the internal skills needed to be a positive member of the community.

Topics Include:

Making Decisions

Refusal Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Values and Responsibilities

Setting and Attaining Goals

Parenting and Child Development

Practical Guidance

provides information on the day-to-day external skills needed to live a healthy life.

Topics Include:

Hygiene and Self-Care

Sexual Health

Looking for Work


Managing Money

Securing Housing